Get Ready for Commencement 2024!

毕业典礼标志着每个学生学术生涯中的一个重要阶段——从学生到毕业生,再到现在的终身校友. 让我们一起庆祝我们的毕业生的努力和成功!

Apply for Commencement 2024

2024届毕业生们,你们大放异彩的时刻就在眼前. Mark your calendars for May 12, 2024!

Still need to apply for graduation? 让我们带你走过这些步骤,为你的大日子做好准备.


Commencement 2024


毕业典礼将在Alliant Energy PowerHouse举行, 370 1st Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. No tickets required.


Friday, May 10

3:00 PM | Honors Convocation
Chapel of Mercy, Busse Center

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6:00 PM | Nursing Pinning Ceremony
Hennessey Recreation Center

Join us as the Martin-Herold College of Nursing & 健康认可我们的BSN和RN-BSN毕业生的成就 Nursing Pinning Ceremony.


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Saturday, May 11

5:00 PM | Commencement Mass & Blessing of Graduates
Chapel of Mercy, Busse Center

在这个特别的时刻,让2024届的毕业生得到认可和祝福 Commencement Mass. Those of all faiths are welcome to participate. 


Sunday, May 12

10:00 AM | Commencement Ceremony
Alliant Energy PowerHouse, 370 1st Ave. NE

所有即将毕业的本科生和研究生都将在毕业典礼上被授予荣誉学位 Commencement ceremony. This event will be livestreamed on Mount Mercy's YouTube channel.

Students should arrive one hour ahead of the ceremony. NOTE: 发电站将不会执行他们的明确袋政策为这个事件.

Following the ceremony | Picnic on the Hill
Rohde Family Plaza, Main Campus

Join us on the Hill after your ceremony for lunch, entertainment, and to celebrate with your peers and professors. RSVP today!

Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Post-Graduation Plans Survey

如果你是2024届的毕业生,请分享一下你毕业后的计划. 您的回答有助于我们改善服务和招募新的野马!

Meet the student speakers

guardado-amy-commencement.jpgAmy Guardado ’24 MSL

Amy Guardado ’24 MSL is graduating with a Master of Strategic Leadership degree. 她很感激Mount Mercy给了她一个机会,在不扰乱她生活的情况下,加强和完善她的领导技能. Amy has experience in leading nonprofit mental health, immigration, and public health organizations in Iowa.

通过MSL项目,艾米建立了联系,拓宽了她的领导视野. 她希望用她所学到的知识来帮助其他人了解他们的潜力, reach their goals, and continue to grow.


sequeda-marcano-diego-commencement.jpgDiego Sequeda Marcano ’24

24岁的Diego Sequeda Marcano六年前从委内瑞拉来到美国,从丹佛搬到了Mount Mercy大学, Colorado. He is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Art.

During his time on campus, Diego was the President of the Psychology, SOMOS, and Table Tennis clubs, Vice President of Gen 1, League Coordinator of STANG, and a member of the Chess and Art clubs. Beyond his club involvement, Diego was on the golf team, served as a peer mentor for first-year students, 并在卓越学术中心指导学生学习西班牙语和心理学.

After graduation, 迭戈打算花一年的时间在心理学领域获得实践经验,然后再回到学校攻读硕士学位.

Frequently asked questions

所有的学位都是在毕业典礼上正式授予的. 在典礼上,教务长正式介绍通过校委会批准的候选人 Registrar's Office. (See Apply for Graduation tab.)然后授予学位,新毕业生承认其学位的“权利和责任”.然后,每位学生都会获得象征性的文凭.

All degree candidates (bachelor's, master's, 和博士)被鼓励参加毕业典礼, 包括那些在秋季和冬季学期结束时获得学位的学生.

即将在夏季学期毕业的学生也被邀请参加, however, 直到他们成功完成所有课程,他们才能获得毕业证书.


  • Apply for graduation through the Office of the Registrar
  • 在毕业典礼前的星期四中午之前完成财务义务,以获得毕业证书和正式成绩单

在大学毕业典礼上必须穿学士服. All graduates must wear the caps, gowns, 和适合他们学位的兜帽,这些兜帽每年都会在梅西山出售. Due to frequent changes in gown design, 穿以前典礼上穿的礼服是不合适的.

学生可以通过装饰毕业帽或毕业服来庆祝他们的成就. The following guidelines should be observed. 不遵守这些准则的学生可能会被要求摘掉他们的装饰帽或礼服,并在典礼上换上一顶新的帽子或礼服.

  • No items will be allowed to dangle or protrude from the cap; only flat decorations will be permitted.
  • No lights or devices may be attached.
  • 不允许使用不恰当或亵渎的语言.
  • 没有对大学或学生经历的负面描述.

Diplomas will be mailed following graduation. Questions? Contact or 319-363-1323 x1584.

All graduates should arrive at 9:00 AM, an hour before the ceremony starts. There are no tickets required for guests.


我们鼓励所有学生和来宾将车停在会议中心第一大道(361 1st Avenue),位于Alliant Energy PowerHouse/逸林酒店对面(也提供免费街边停车)。.

从坡道出发,请走位于三楼的天桥. 如果你从一楼售票处进来,然后直接到大宴会厅办理登机手续.

Contact for possible accommodations.


Commencement photos will be available on our Flickr page and posted on Mount Mercy's social media channels. Additional photos can be purchased from within 48 hours of the ceremony. 点击“查找我的照片”,输入密码GRAD2024. 如有任何关于购买照片的问题,请致电319-362-6187联系Joe Photo.


所有的毕业典礼都进行了直播,可以在Mount Mercy的YouTube频道上重播. 仪式的完整视频报道由爱荷华州锡达拉皮兹市的专业视频制作公司提供. To order your own copy after the ceremony, visit 接收一个可下载的文件通过电子邮件或数字文件通过USB驱动器一旦视频已编辑.


在典礼上,你会收到一份关于如何 order the large program with all graduate names listed. 课程将在毕业后邮寄,请预留几周时间打印和邮寄.

在典礼上,你会收到一份关于如何 order the large program with all graduate names listed. 课程将在毕业后邮寄,请预留几周时间打印和邮寄.